2010 is nearly over and...

Oh...every January when facing the huge span of a new year, I have a renewed spirit and huge ambitions. Now it's nearly October and I am for the first time revisiting this blog that has remained stagnant for over two years, only to read about the freshness and excitement for pursuing ethereal landscapes with the realization that commission work has once again pulled me in other directions. Even my beloved still lifes have been put on the back burner most of the year while I've been fulfilling orders for pet portraits. I guess I fell short again this year of my artistic goals but am grateful nevertheless for the support and following of my wonderful clients and fellow artists! Thank you! Perhaps this blog will become active in years to come. In the meantime, please visit my website, still life blog, pet portraits blog.
For purchase information and commission requests CONTACT ME

COMING SOON . . . . A fresh, new style . . . looking up to new horizons!

Tropical Dreams

5x5 inches oil on panel

Moving from landscapes into abstract expressionism is similar to the stream of consciousness style of writing. Abstract expressionism is a form of art which captures the essence of something. For me this year, it will be the colors of the seasons. This has been a purely intuitive process and one which I find very liberating. Look for titles such as, “The Color of the Wind” and “Fragrant Earth” and “The Sound of the Rain”. It’s a very exciting concept and I can’t wait to delve into it. These abstracts will initially be of small format, but would be particularly powerful statements in very large proportions on canvas, available on a commission basis.